This video discusses some alternative possibilities as to what the Flat Earth model could be other than the popular models we tend to see in many videos. I want to make it clear I am only speculating as to whether or not these maps, models or alien worlds exist. I am in no way promoting or pushing any certain model over another. I truly take the "I don't know" approach to what the Earth could be. I am certain it is NOT a spinning ball in outer space, that I am positive of. But what exactly is this flat motionless plane and what exactly does it look like? Again I don't know, so instead of using others imagination I choose to use my own imagination to create alternative possibilities as to what our Earth could be.
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The Official shirt designed and worn by the Flat Earth Asshole is now available to own! The phrase invented by FEA which asks the all important question "Lunar Module? Or....Homeless Tweaker's Shelter?" is the ultimate ice breaker and conversation starter! Fry folk's minds and melt people's thoughts as you walk down the street in style! Available as a shirt, hoodie or mug, this design is guaranteed to get reactions! Order Now!
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This shirt is GUARANTEED to get people to ask YOU about the most important subject ever known FLAT EARTH!!!
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- The Edge of Earth? Antarctica Explained