
Welcome to the Satellite Hoax - Conspiracy Music Guru


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Flat Earth Man knows that orbiting satellites are a myth..
Welcome to the Satellite Hoax!


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Here are the lyrics:

Well I know it's a really hard pill to take
When somebody says that satellites could be fake
But don't you find it a little suspicious
That you can't find any real satellite pictures
It might be hard to be believed
But maybe we're all being deceived

If you think you've seen one up in the sky
Uh uh, you can't see em with the naked eye
Coz a satellite is about the size of a car
At least 300 miles away you can't see that far
whatever those dots are that move in the night
I'm telling you that ain't no satellite

Welcome to the satelite hoax
Just another one of them NASA jokes
You can't find me a picture of a satellite
Without bringing up a bunch of that cgi
Just a bunch of cartoons all over the place
When I search satellites in space
Yeah type that phrase into google folks
And let me welcome you to the satellite hoax

Now before all of ya'll start getting pissed
I ain't saying that satellites don't exist
I'm saying that it's theoretically obsurd
To think these devices orbit the earth
Coz I've seen em hanging from big balloons
Even google's doing it too now man

(Have you seen that, yeah go check out project loon)

And every now and then a satellite crashes
But that information never gets to the masses
Coz then you'll find out how these things really work
They're just on balloons man they don't orbit the earth
Coz once upon a time one crashed In Brazil
With the balloon attached to it still


How can satellites be in the thermosphere
When the temperature up there is way too severe
How can that type of equipment survive
How comes those satellites aren't burned alive
I'm telling you man it's just a pack of lies
There ain't no orbiting satellites

Because 99 percent of our communication
Comes from undersea cables and cell tower stations
And GPS is ground based too man
Go check out a system called loran
It's a military system for navigation
That uses ground towers to track your location
Are you seeing it yet?


See tesla figured out how to communicate
Without the need for satellites in space
It's mostly ground based towers you see
And that's how you get your "satellite tv"
They've monetised what tesla made for free
With their, with their fake satellite industry

It was Arthur C Clark that theorised these things
These sci fi boxes with solar wings
Another Freemason it's no surprise
They make science fiction and they monetise
They've stolen teslas technology
And they get you to pay for your tv

Are you seeing it now people?!


So next time you see a photo of the earth from space
Look for satellites you won't find a trace
They musta disappeared I guess
Can't even see any from the iss
If you wanna have yourself a little enjoyment
Go watch a NASA satellite deployment

Oh man and let me welcome you to the satellite hoax

Flat Earth Songs
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